The media company is one of the TOP 100 most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany. Now the growth champion of 2021 can also call itself a “Company of Excellence“ among German Medium-Sized Businesses.
DDW, the information network of managing directors, owners and experts in the German economy, has identified Moccamedia – an AP Ventures investment – as one of the 3,000 German companies in trend and growth markets and has also listed it as an “Company of Execellence among German Medium-Sized Businesses” in the field of advertising marketing. The media company from Trier specialises in local, sales-oriented media solutions for companies with decentralised sales structures. “We are very pleased about the award. It underlines our company philosophy and highlights the successful work of our 200 employees,” says Moccamedia Managing Director Cornelia Lamberty. The entrepreneur from Trier was recently the winner of the competition “Successful Women in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses” of the Rhineland-Palatinate Women’s Council.